How Many Different Poker Starting Hands Are There Bad

There are 13 pocket pairs you can be dealt as starting hands: 2-2 through A-A. There are 78 unpaired hands that you can be dealt in Texas Hold’em, ignoring suit (e.g. A-2, K-10, 6-2). Those same hands make up another set of 78 when suited (e.g. 9♥-8♥, A♣-8♣, Q♦-J♦). Learn to Play Poker in no time: Our poker tutorial is a great way to learn the card. Ever since the early days of Texas holdem poker, players have attempted to analyze and organize the 169 possible two card starting hands found in the game. One traditional way of doing so involves running thousands upon thousands of simulations in which a particular holdem hand is played out against nine random opponent hands. Fact: There are 1,326 combinations of starting hands in Texas Hold’em in total. Working out hand combinations using 'known' cards. Let’s say we hold KQ on a flop of KT4 (suits do not matter). How many possible combinations of AK and TT are out there that our opponent could hold? The following section is a key part of your strategy and you should practise choosing the right action before the flop using the poker starting hands chart below. We have chosen 46 different hands that we will play depending on the position and situation we are in.
I’ve been asked by a new player to explain how I got to 169 possibilities of starting hands from a previous page. Good question!
In Texas Hold’em poker there are 2,652 possible starting hands. The way that you first get all the possible starting hands is to take the number of cards (52) and multiply that by 51 times.
Remember that the first 2 cards that can be dealt can be anything from the deck. Out of these 2,652 combinations, there may not be different hands though, because the same two cards dealt in two different orders are still the same hand. In the following two examples, you can see that the cards are equal and that there aren’t any differences. Kind of reminds you of algebra in school, huh?
is EQUAL to

How Many Different Poker Starting Hands Are There Every
is EQUAL to
That reduces the number of hands, 2,652 down by half or 2,652/2 = 1,326.
Still with me? Good.
Now, out of the 1,326 hands, thinking of the samples above, there is a lot of duplication in VALUE of the hands.
The following hands are all equal in VALUE:
is EQUAL to is EQUAL to

Okay, have you digested that? Good. One last thing. Because of the possibility of getting a flush, cards like the following are NOT equal:
How Many Different Poker Starting Hands Are There Now
This is because the first two cards have a chance at making a flush and the second two cards not do not have a chance for making a flush.
We need to get the total number of possibly suited starting cards from this bunch so that would be 13 x 12 /2 for a total of 78.
Continuing on, there should be 78 possible suited starting cards and 78 possible non-suited starting cards and 13 possible pairs for a total of 169 cards.
How Many Different Poker Starting Hands Are There People
So looking at it this way, there are 169 possible starting hands in this game. Hopefully I answered the question without making it too confusing.
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